Thursday, January 21, 2010

Power Of Thought

Thoughts are Things. You have probably heard this idea at one time or another.You have probably nodded your head in agreement, understanding that thoughts are in fact, things. You Probably believe this and accept that your thoughts, being things, do in fact have power.

Have you really thought about this? Do you apply this to your day to day Life? Hopefully you do, because your every day thought and word is contributing to your life experience. For Openers, your thoughts produce your emotions,which in turn result in how you feel about a particular event occurring in your life.

It has always amazed me how people can walk around a feeling a particular way and not understand that it is their own thoughts,or more accurately what they are telling themselves that is producing the feeling in the first place. This is why two people can look at the same event and have opposite feelings about it.

You are creating your own reality, moment by moment,with the thoughts you choose to think and what you say, both to yourself and to others. Lets explore this a little further. Most people will agree, and science can demonstrate, that everything in our world is a field of energy and therefore has a particular frequency. The chair you are sitting on, your car, Your cat, your Dog, you and everything else including thoughts have a field of energy or vibration. Recent Scientific work has identified particular ranges of frequencies and scientists are able to measure them. Interestingly enough, negative energies like anger and rage very low on the sclae, while positive energies like those given off by prayer and meditation reach the highest measurements.

At this point, you may be wondering what this has to do with you thoughts. Bear with me and I promise to connect with th dots. The second part of the equation is the universal law that states " Like attracts like". This has been referred to as the law of attraction. I will use a small example to give a more clear picture.
Lets Supose you are in a bad mood, that is you are feeling pretty negative. At that particular moment in time your personal vibration, the energy of your thoughts and words is in the lower frequencies.

Let us call this particular mood " Frequency X". Now somewhere off in the distant universe, there is another negative experience. Maybe its a flat Tyre, whose frequency happens to be " X " as well. By virtue of the law of attraction, you will begin attracting that or some other undesirable experience to yourself. There are no accidents. The universe works on a specific set of principles that do not waiver. Like attracts like,whether we believe it or not.

The good news is that the opposite is also true.If for example, you are feeling great, having invested time sitting reading your goals, and taking care to monitor your thoughts,intentions,and your internal and external dialogue, you are entering a high energy vibration and are in a place to attract other high vibrations, generally things that you want have into your life.

I am not asking you to accept this blindly.Observe the world around you and see if this hold true for you.I am sure you have noticed when, in a room full of people,one person seems to be the center of attention. Why do you suppose this is? I will give you a hint, that its probably not her perfume.

Similarly, you probably know people who are always having undesirable experiences in their lives. These are the people who have the lousy time in even the best restaurants.They seem to travel with dark clouds over them and always experience things going wrong in their everyday lives.

If you observe and listen to them closely, you will begin to see the connection between what they think and say and what shows up in their lives. Closely monitor your every thought and word. When you catch yourself dwelling in the negative, interrupt your pattern and substitute with a positive thought.

It is said that any thought consistently held for 15 to 20 seconds will begin to attract a similar energy. This is one of the reasons you want to read your Life's Vision and goals Daily. this will hold your attention and thoughts of that which you want and help you bring it towards you.

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