Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Clitoris : 3D Model :

Students from France have done a fantastic job of working on a 3D model of a Clitoris using 3D printing technology.

It's always thought to be size of a pea. Thanks to new technology, we can now see how lucky women are to have a structure like that purely for pleasure.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Finally a 30 -foot snake found!!! Guess what, its dead!

Finally a 30 -foot snake - Anaconda found!!! Guess what, its dead!

Saw this news on the Internet the other day, not sure how genuine it is, but just thought of sharing my thoughts.

I know for a fact, that Anaconda's size is linked to its age and its diet. The more older the snake and if it had consistent food through out its life along with excellent environmental conditions, for sure it will reach enormous proportions. Its called "indeterminate” growth". At the same time, there are the other battles of staying hidden and staying out of predators. I am sure there are so many historic record of snake sightings of huge dimensions but it's not a frequent happening.

So if this news is true, guess what the snake is dead and know one knows the full story. So basically, a snake that has been a ultimate survivor has been killed for nothing. Well it could be an accident and no is to be blamed, yeah rite. But where is the full story? Whatever, here are the pics..

Location : Belo Monte Dam site in Brazil

Here is the Video