Saturday, May 1, 2010

Best Hair treatment Programme

Best Hair Loss Treatment – Hair Loss Products that Really Work
There are a lot of manufacturers claiming that they own the best hair loss product.  However, not all of these products really work.  Some are just too good to be true while others may somehow live to their promises. With the overwhelming choices, it is hard to get the best treatment for hair loss concerns.
Now, the question is what are the best hair loss treatments out in the market today? How do they actually qualify on the list? What would be your basis to think that they will do work for you? Gather all answers to your questions by looking into the list of the best hair loss products. These are based on consumer satisfaction ratings for the product.

Best Hair Loss Treatment # 1 – Provillus
Provillus is the one of the best hair loss treatments nowadays.  Due to the different needs of men and women regarding hair loss treatments, Provillus has a unique formulation for each of the sexes.  Both Provillus for Men and Provillus for Women contain the active ingredient Minoxidil.  This ingredient is clinically tested and approved by the FDA.
Provillus can treat hair loss with different causes.  It is also proven to treat hereditary hair loss which is one of the most difficult hair loss problems to solve. The mere fact that it works best for both genders makes it qualified in the list of best hair loss treatments.

Best Hair Loss Treatment # 2 – Hair Max Laser Comb
Hair Max Laser Comb is a handheld medical device which facilitates healthy hair growth and treats hair loss while giving back the hair its natural shine and manageability. This device makes use of laser energy known as Laser Phototherapy.  It works by stimulating good blood circulation at the root level of the scalp. It enhances the growth of each hair follicle. With this process, the new-grown hair becomes thicker, stronger and healthier.
However, you should know that the Hair Max Laser Comb does not give immediate results.  During the first few weeks, all you will notice while using the device is that your hair is shinier and more manageable.  It is only during the eighth week that you will begin to see new sets of hair growing. That is the same stage when there is already an improvement in the density of your hair.  You will also observe that your hair no longer falls out as much as before.

Best Hair Loss Treatment # 3 – ProFollica
ProFollica provides three steps in hair loss treatment.  The treatment includes washing your hair with ProFollica Shampoo, then applying ProFollica Gel on your hair and scalp. The regimen is completed by finishing it off through taking in ProFollica Supplement.  It is proven to prevent and stop hair loss.
ProFollica works by blocking DHT, improving blood circulation in the scalp and stimulating the hair follicles.  The effects of this product will begin to manifest during the first few weeks.  However, its full result can be seen after six months.
This hair loss treatment is natural and free of side effects.  It is because it does not include strong chemicals and other harmful ingredients.  The product kit may be availed without any prescription.  Additionally, ProFollica can be used by both men and women.

How to Find the Best Hair Loss Treatment
It is really hard to gauge if these products will work for you unless you have tried them. If you are aiming at the best hair loss treatment, what you should do is consult your doctor first. In that way, he will be able to recommend a product that will not put you in danger of losing the remaining hair that you have.
It will also be best if you conduct your own researches. In that way, you may assess ingredients of hair loss products that will help you with your plight. Extend your readings by reading the package of the product before you buy them. That way, you may assess if it is for you. If there is something you are not sure of, your doctor always has the last say.

There is really no best hair loss treatment in the market unless you have tried it yourself and proven its efficacy. In fact, not all hair loss treatments give the satisfaction that you are looking for.  But the above-mentioned products are sure to solve your problems and you can use them as your guide when choosing a treatment for hair loss.  Remember that these treatments are the most recommended by people who experienced hair loss at one point in their lives.

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